Hi, I'm Lady Kendra
Laughter + Christ Center, a birthmom, wife to an brilliant tough husband and mother to 2 lil ladies. ​
My Passion is to help Women to be inspired to Live Their Faith as a lifestyle.
I help Christian Women
Live their Faith Daily
The Basic Foundational and Biblical Truths
I thought it would be a great importance that we take a moment to acknowledge who God is and why He is the One we can find confidence and secure identity in.
The heavens and the earth were created to be good by God at the start, but He Himself has never begun and never will He end. By His Word, the universe came to be and everything in the earth is His. In the image of Himself, He made you and I fearfully and wonderfully. Every person you see, He knit together within their mother's womb as He saw them in the secret place.
Genesis 1:1 ~ Psalm 90:2 ~ Hebrews 11:3 ~ Colossians 1:15-17 ~ Genesis 1:27 ~ Psalm 139:13-16
You will notice that God is referred to as God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Spirit because all are one in essence and yet have distinct roles. The Father sent His only Son, Jesus. Jesus was on earth as fully God and fully man. He died, was buried, rose on the third day, and now victoriously sits at the right hand of the Father. He is the only way by which we can be saves. The Holy Spirit lives within every one of us who trusts in Jesus, He is where freedom is, and He helps us walk in obedience to the Gather.
Matthew 28:19 ~ Matthew 3:16-17 ~ John 3:16 ~ Hebrews 12:2 ~ 1 Corinthians 8:6
John 1:14 ~ 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 ~ John 15:26 ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17
God is perfect and just in all His ways. Because of His justice and perfection, our disobedience to Him (sin) prevents us from being in relationship with Him as we were made to. This broken relationship brought about brokenness in all our lives and in our world. But God demonstrated His perfect love for us by sending His one and only Son, Jesus, so that we may be in relationship with Him again by grace, through faith. By His perfect means to save us, we can go from brokenness to wholeness as He has desired from the beginning.
Psalm 18:30 ~ Genesis 3 ~ Romans 3:23 ~ John 3:16 ~ Romans 5:8 ~ Romans 6:23 ~ Ephesians 2:1-8
So many phrases today are through around regarding my truth and your truth, but there is THEE truth that begins life and freedom is God Himself. He is the truth, and when we know Him, we are set free. Because He is truth and His Word is breathed out by Him, His Word is truth. His Word never fades away, never changes, and never shifts with the latest trend or opinion. Therefore, we can build our life upon His with assurance that we cannot be shaken.
We discover abundant life that lasts forever and ever through Jesus Christ alone because He is the life. To know the hope of life forever is to know who God is personally.
John 14:6 ~ John 8:32 ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 ~ John 17:17 ~ Matthew 7:24-27 ~ Psalm 119:160
Hebrews 13:8 ~ Matthew 24:35 ~ Numbers 23:19 ~ 1 John 5:11-12 ~ John 11:25-26
No plan the Lord has can be thwarted, for He is above all and holds all authority. He is worthy of all praise and all glory, and nothing is too hard for Hi. He sits enthroned as king forever and nothing good is lacking in Him. Jeus has been given all authority, as well as the name that is above every name.
Job 42:2 ~ Philippians 2:9-11 ~ Psalm 138:2 ~ Matthew 28:18 ~ Ephesians 1:21 ~ Psalm 145
Thanks for taking the time to read through these foundational truths with me. I am so excited to be encouraged in the truth of who you are!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.