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Aspire Woman for Excellence | Start Here

If you’re a woman who feels weary but longs to find your strength in the Word of God…you’re in the right place.


How is AWE a Proverbs 31 Ministry?



The book of Proverbs is full of word pictures that help us understand deep truths. In the long passage found in the 31st chapter, we learn still more about her.


Verse after verse, this passage of scripture affirms our identity as women. The woman we see in Proverbs 31 is committed to her relationships; her husband and children depend on her and are blessed by her. She works hard and efficiently, with initiative and creativity. She knows how to use her skills to make money, but she also reaches out to those in need. She takes care of herself as well. Each detail is not meant to describe a specific, single woman. In other words, we don't need to add them to our to-do list! Instead, Proverbs 31 shows us the character of what God created us to be and of what we are all capable of being as women. It's like a mirror God holds up for us to look into -- and then He says, "See? This is who I created you to be."


As women, God calls us to embody love and wisdom. Each of us will do that differently, with our unique skills and individual strengths -- but we all have amazing things to offer the world. We don't need to be afraid to be strong, to be wise, to try new things. God believes in us!


This is the sort of group that's intended you to get involved, to learn and grow together in community. Doing so will help you to apply what God is telling you into your own life. Hear what God has to say to you through the Proverbs 31 woman!




If you feel overwhelmed when you look at Proverbs 31 and yet you have the desire to be the woman after God's own Heart, you're in the right place.


If you're a woman who longs for a community to do life with as you are on this journey of being that Proverbs 31 Woman, you've come to the right place.


Welcome to Aspire Women for Excellence

where you will find that community and support to live your life with confidence and with purpose that comes from starting that Proverbs 31 journey.





Shortly after I got married, I longed to know and to be what God intended for women to be like as Christian Adult Women.


It was like 2 years after I got married, I was curious what I was suppose to act like as an Adult, a Woman of Christ. In so many ways, I still felt like I was that high school teenager, not someone that is already 2 years into marriage.


I was on the hunt, and God led me right to what I was looking for, the last chapter in Proverbs as I was on the last day of reading a chapter a day in Proverbs for each month during a whole year. When I came to Proverbs 31 one, I was so excited that I found my answer. 


But after reading this chapter, I had no idea what all this meant. So I decided to start that journey of learning what Prov31 meant and to try to apply what I have learned into my whole life.


My name is Lady Kendra and I’m here to share what I'm learning in my journey as a Proverbs 31 Woman.


Back in the Fall of 2020, I ended up realizing that I wasn't living up to what God had been prompting me to do. Moving forward and looking at the New Year, I decided to step out in faith and start helping other women in their journey. 


All it takes is one small act of faith to begin this journey of grace-filled, purposeful living.


One small act of faith is all you need to get started and once you’ve taken that step you’ll take another and another and another. 







Hi There! I'm Lady Kendra!


I believe that being a Proverbs 31 Woman isn't about being perfect. Here at Aspire Woman for Excellence, you'll find freedom from perfection and the confidence to live your life with purpose.



Let’s do this together.

Learn what it means to be a modern Proverbs 31 Woman today! To subscribe, Click Here!!!





Find your way around Aspire Women for Excellence


⇑⇑⇑ See up there in the main menu? On each of those main category pages you’ll find a gallery of links to all of the articles, ideas, encouragement, and recipes you’ll find here at A Virtuous Woman.


  • AWE Events Calendar is where can find all our upcoming events and to RSVP for them.

  • AWE Blog is the place where you’ll find all sort of tips and encouragement for homemaking, organizing, and you’ll even get the chance to tour my home!

  • AWE Biz Directory is where you’ll find other ladies that are in Biz as a way to support themselves and their families! I love supporting the ladies in the AWE community to support each other, in life and business, and I encourage you to do the same.

  • AWE Membership is where you can "Officially" be an AWE member with financial supporting to the community. (fyi ~ this DOES NOT mean that you have to be a paid member to participate in any and all of what AWE has to offer. Just like you don't have to give tithes/offerings to a church to attend any and all they have for their community)


⇓⇓⇓ There are also some important links in the footer below.


Stay Connected


There are a number of ways you can stay connected to Aspire Woman for Excellence. You’ll find tips about how we can get to know each other better which will in turn create a sense of community here that everyone can enjoy!


JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITYThe AWE Community Facebook group is for women just like you where you’ll find ideas, encouragement, and friendships.


The best way to stay connected, though, is to subscribe to my email newsletter! Newsletter Signup → Click Here!!

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