It has gotten to the point where I am called to start a section of my blog on my Journey as a BirthMom.
This is the hardest part of this story is where do I start. I guess, to get to the point quicker, I found myself in a situation that I never thought and wanted to be in for myself and my marriage. I have learned in this situation that "What Satan Meant for Evil, God Does Turn into Good!"
Right now, I'm not ready to tell my whole story. I am going to say that I had find myself in a situation where it was the lowest in my life, especially in my marriage. My husband and I ended up having a hard conversation where we needed to ask ourselves if we were willing to work on our marriage or walk away from it. Our marriage had gotten to the point that there was something that needed to change. Thankfully, we decided to stick with our marriage vows to stick through the thick and thin.
A couple weeks later, I realized that I was pregnant. At this point, our marriage was not in the right place to bring a child into and as a couple wasn't on the same page with wanting a child. So, this was a very interesting situation we were caught in. I went to the Alpha Center to confirm that I was pregnant and to get the support that I need to move forward. This was already mid-November. We were already looking into the Adoption process. The Alpha Center pointed me to a few Adoption Centers. Adoption Dreams Come True stood out and I moved forward with them.
It was such a bless to have both the Alpha Center and Adoption Dreams Come True to work with in this hard and rough time in my life. I was able to choose the family that my little one would go to. Out of 29 families, this was not going to be easy on my own. Through lots praying and meditating, I narrowed it down to 2 families. I was able to meet up with them to get to know them in person. On December 31st, I called the couple that I picked to let them know that I chose them to adopt my little one. (RJ did have a say and he did like the sound of the family that I picked.)
Along this journey, I was able to go to a Birthing Class at the Timberline Church that the Alpha Center put on and I met my Doula who was teaching to be there for my birth. To this day, we are still good friends.
I was working part-time at Home Depot at the time. My due Date was July 9th and I was planning on going to the 31 Conference on July 21st - 23rd with a friend that use to be an RNA. I was planning on having my last day of work being June 29th and taking at least all of July off. That last week of June, I went to my Chiropractor once a day with that Wednesday having an induction Massage.
That Friday night, my water broke and went into the hospital at about 11:30p. That Monday, July 1, after 30 hours of Labor, I went into have a c-section birth. At 6:37am, my little guy was born. Then 36 hrs later, his adopting parents was able to take him home with him. I was able to go home on the 4th of July, my Independence Day gift.
I was able to see him when he was 6wks old. It was amazing to see him then and I enjoyed it. That was the last time I had the chance to see him. Now he is already a year old and I can’t believe that already. It truly tares my heart that it has been almost a year since I last saw him.
I do pray for my little guy every day, that he may be safe and grows in statue and in favor with the Lord and with men.
Even though he came into the world from when I walked away, I'm so happy that he was a family that he was able to call his own and, from this journey, it brought my marriage back together to where it should have been all along.