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I am a Salesperson
Author Unknown I am proud to be in sales because more than any other person I, and millions of others like me, built America. The person...
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Write a Letter to Yourself
Bring positivity to your parties with these activity idea!!! Dear ____(Your Name)_____, You are ___(positive adjective)___. You are...
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New Beginnings New Starts
It’s Official, we are moving down to Texas. This has been a log time coming to get the chance to take this move. A few know that we...
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Leaving A Legacy
I came across the vision for the Cutco Office I was at for so many years. I loved this vision and I was so glad that I read it every time...
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Better Together
“This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. “you’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a...
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5 Tips to Develop Better Control Over Your Emotions
It is hard as women when you are trying to manage a home and manage all of those crazy schedules (with work, school, other activities),...
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10 Easy Napkin Folds for Any Dinner Party!
I hate to admit this, when I'm at work and I'm not doing my school work like I should or one of the faculty members or Teachers have...
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Grateful For...
Remember what we are thankful for, for all women!!! Grateful For... 1. Early Wakeups = Children to Love 2. House to Clean = Safe place to...
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The Ft Collins Coffeehouse for Sale
After 6 1/2 years, the Ft Collins Coffeehouse is looking for a new owner To many of us that have the support our local owned supporters...
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