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Writer's pictureLady Kendra

Write a Letter to Yourself

Bring positivity to your parties with these activity idea!!!

Dear ____(Your Name)_____,

You are ___(positive adjective)___. You are ___(positive adjective)__.

You are ___(positive adjective)___. You can do anything you want, even ___(verb)___. You are a great ___(noun)___ and ___(noun)___, and you're really going at ___(verb)___ -ing, ___(Person)___ loves you, and thinks you're the greatest ___(noun)___ ever.

When someone says you can't ___(verb)___, I know you can. You're like ___(Superhero)___ - you can do anything you put your mind to! I'm proud of you for ___(something important you accomplished)___, and you should be proud too.

My favorite thing about you is/are your ___(body part or characteristic)___, and I love your ___(adjective)___ heart. Today you should treat yourself to ___(favorite activity)___ and ___(favorite food)___ because you deserve it!


___(Your Name)___

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